3 1/8" Antique Brass Plated Skeleton Key With Triple Notched Bit

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$1.67 $2.79
Quantity available: 994
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Item #: Q-06LL-00869
Quantities are limited, no warranty on this item.


This faithful reproduction can be used as a master key for antique mortise and rim locks. Featuring a triple notched bit, it's likely to operate around 30% of vintage locks (results not guaranteed - operability can only be determined by testing). Made of zinc, with an antique brass finish.

Overall length: 3 1/8". Barrel length (from bow to bit): 1 7/8". Barrel diameter: 1/8". Bit is 7/16" W x 3/8" H.

Hardware Tip

The bow is the ring part that you hold, the barrel is the tube in the center and the bit is the tooth like part on the end.
WARNING: California Proposition 65
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